WATCH: Indigenous Peoples Aggressively Targeted by Manipulative NGOs Advancing REDD Agenda
© SommerFilms 2010
In an exclusive interview (August, 2010) with documentary filmmaker Rebecca Sommer, Chief Aritana Yawalapiti explains how his people and his region are aggressively targeted and lied to by NGOs (ISA). This video demonstrates how disturbingly manipulative and deceptive NGOs can be when seeking compliance for their funders, in this particular instance for REDD+ projects.
The Following Anti-REDD declarations (compilation) and commentary below are by Kjell Kühne:
If you are against REDD, you are not alone. Around the world, a growing number of communities, organizations and movements as well as experts are not limiting themselves to asking critical questions about REDD any more, they have explicitly declared their opposition to the mechanism. A coalition of indigenous peoples’ organizations has called for a global moratorium on REDD projects. Bolivia has a mandate (from the Cochabamba People’s Summit) to not let REDD pass at the UNFCCC level.
Belém Letter, October 2009, Belém, Brazil.
Peoples Agreement, April 2010, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Amigos de la Tierra Latin America and Caribbean Position on REDD, August 2010, Paraguay.
Declaración de Cancún, December 2010, Cancún, Mexico.
Declaración de Cancún de la Vía Campesina, December 2010, Cancún, México.
Declaration of Patihuitz, April 2011, Patihuitz, Mexico.
Brazilian environmental and social movements oppose REDD offsets, June 2011, Brasilia/Bonn.
Letter from the State of Acre, October 2011, Rio Branco, Brazil.Open Letter of Concern to the International Donor Community about the Diversion of Existing Forest Conservation and Development Funding to REDD+, October 2011.
Quem ganha e quem perde com o REDD e pagamento por serviços ambientais?, November 2011, Brazil
Indigenous Peoples Condemn Climate Talks Fiasco and Demand Moratoria on REDD+, December 2011, Durban, South Africa.
Pronunciamiento CAOI, March 2012.
No REDD+! in RIO +20: A Declaration to Decolonize the Earth and the Sky, June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Here is a more complete list with an analysis of the elements and arguments of each of the declarations.
Some resources that explain some of the reasons why REDD is not a smart choice for people and the planet:
REDD Monitor, continuous, Chris Lang.
REDD Myths, December 2008, Friends of the Earth, English, Spanish.
Reaping Profits from Evictions, Land Grabs, Deforestation and Destruction of Biodiversity, November 2009, Indigenous Environmental Network, English, Spanish.
REDD Realities, December 2009, Global Forest Coalition.
REDD: The realities in black and white, November 2010, Friends of the Earth, English, Spanish.
NO REDD! A Reader, December 2010, English, Spanish.
Why REDD is dangerous, Kjell Kühne, January 2011.
Key Arguments Against REDD act sheet, Global Justice Ecology Project, June 2011.
Why REDD+ is bad and will make the climate crisis worse, Kjell Kühne, Powerpoint presentation, November 2011.
No REDD Papers: Vol. 1, November 2011.
REDD Fairy Tales, Global Forest Coalition, November 2011.
Juggling with Carbon, Kjell Kühne, Video, December 2011.
A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests, January 2012, English, Spanish, Documentary.
REDD: la codicia por los árboles, February 2012, Spanish, Documentary.
REDDeldia, August 2012, Spanish, Website.