
Tagged ‘West Papua‘

FLASHBACK | Conservation International: Privatizing Nature, Plundering Biodiversity


Seedling | Grain

October 2003

by Aziz Choudry

Conservation International’s corporate sponsor list reads like a list of the US’ top fifty transnational corporations. Biodiversity conservation is at the top of Conservation International’s list of goals. But as the list of Conservation International’s dubious ventures and questionable partners around the world grows, Aziz Choudry is starting to wonder if it is time to ‘out’ this ‘multinational conservation corporation’ and show its true colours.

Headquartered in Washington, D.C, with operations in over 30 countries on four continents, Conservation International claims to be an environmental NGO. Its mission is “to conserve the Earth’s living natural heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature.” [1] This all sounds very laudable and Conservation International has some very high profile fans. This year Colin Powell shared the podium with Conservation International President Russell Mittermeier at the launch of the Bush Administration’s “Initiative Against Illegal Logging” at the US State Department. In December 2001, Gordon Moore, who founded Intel Corporation, donated US $261 million to Conservation International, supposedly the largest grant ever to an environmental organisation. Moore is chairman of Conservation International’s executive committee. Conservation International has repaid Moore’s largesse by nam-ing an endangered Brazilian pygmy owl after him. [2]

Perpetuating Institutional Prejudice | The West Papuans

Perpetuating Institutional Prejudice | The West Papuans

Intercontinental Cry

By Jay Taber

Feb 4, 2013

It is difficult to say whether author Jared Diamond writes from ignorance or malice, but his distorted perception of tribal peoples is certainly getting a lot of attention. As an act of sensationalist self-promotion, perhaps his neoliberal views so eagerly embraced by Wall Street are merely show business, something to guarantee his nonsense will become a best-seller. Such is the nature of market ethics.