
InSight Bores to New Depths; USAID, WB, Embassy, La Prensa Rally for More Militarization in SPS


AP | Adrienne Pine

So interesting that Geoffrey Ramsey, Elyssa Pachico and Hannah Stone, each of whom have written horribly misleading articles about Honduras that support U.S. militarization on InSight in the past year (see previous posts analyzing their articles on this blog) have formed an “independent” blog in which they repeatedly cite InSight as a legitimate news source, in today’s case along with the idiotic AP note, probably by Freddy Cuevas. The InSight article linked in today’s “Pan-American Post” “news brief” by Hannah Stone is by one Edward Fox, who for background on the Aguán links only to a Monday, 22 August 2011 InSight article by Hannah Stone titled Are Foreign Criminal Gangs Driving Honduras Land Conflict? (While the answer isn’t exactly yes because she never gets to an answer, the title says it all.)

InSight Crime is using all means at hand to present itself as a legitimate news source, but in the end it is a corporate-funded mouthpiece for the State Department and DOD and their puppet militarized security regimes in Honduras and throughout the hemisphere. Which seems to be in keeping with other Soros fronts in Honduras. Tomorrow, Louise Ehlers, Assistant Program Manager, the Law Program, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa participates in Plenary II of the USAID/U.S. Embassy/World Bank/CSSP/coup-sponsoring La Prensa.-funded security fest in San Pedro (which started today). Plenary II’s title is “Developing alternatives to detention and incarceration and reducing prison populations.” It would save them a lot of money in catering and conference costs to follow these simple steps: 1) stop enabling coups that concentrate wealth and power into very few hands while criminalizing poverty and dissent; 2) don’t let people fester in prison for years without even the benefit of a trial; and 3) address the fact that even if prisoners were allowed to go to trial, the Honduran justice system is golpista and rotten to the core.

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