
Tagged ‘Campaigns‘
New Age Ghost Dance

New Age Ghost Dance

Intercontinental Cry

Dance on Black Piano

Painting by Juarez Machado

Intercontinental Cry


Apr 6, 2013

It’s interesting that the New Agers who extoll energy conservation and green energy are oblivious to the amount of energy they waste on moral theatrics like social forums, marches and protests. It’s analogous to the desperately romantic efforts of the Plains Indians, expressed through such mediums as the Ghost Dance, when their world was collapsing around them. While the Indians recovered and became eminently pragmatic, the New Agers seem trapped in a magical thinking mode, where they believe passion and purity can overcome the perversion of expediency.

EDITORIAL | The Nature of Campaigns


Above image from the 2009 TckTckTck campaign featuring partner 

Jim Hogan, co-founder of, as well as founder of the corporate communications agency ‘Hogan’, writes about the multi-million dollar worldwide campaign here. In 2013, as ecological collapse continues to accelerate, the world’s people have little to no understanding of the extensive damage this campaign actually did as the non-profit industrial complex grossly undermined the strongest positions put forward to the United Nations by the world’s smallest states. One could compare it to hammering nails in a coffin. [” The objective was to make it become a movement that consumers, advertisers and the media would use and exploit.” | Source ]You can read about it here: The Most Important COP Briefing That No One Ever Heard | Truth, Lies, Racism & Omnicide.


Intercontinental Cry

By Jay Taber

Mar 19, 2013

There is nothing wrong per se with campaigns, as they are part of how we manage multiple aspects of a movement over time. If we are intelligent in our analysis, campaigns are holistic and sequential, prioritizing those aspects essential to those that follow. Sometimes an unexpected window of opportunity enables us to advance on one campaign while others are backburnered.