Mar 12
Avaaz, The International Campaign to Destabilize Bolivia, The International Campaign to Destabilize Syria, The International Campaign to Destabilize Venezuela
Avaaz Destabilization Ethics Gabriel Impaglione Imperialism Syria
SPEAKING TRUTH: A Profound Message to Avaaz from Poet Gabriel Impaglione of Argentina
As always, the voices of reason, compassion and decency resonate from those descendants of the Latin American countries …
“I wish you a refreshing bath of conscience, I wish that you may be able to try out looking at others eye to eye, I wish that the Spring of truth makes life more humane for you.”
The original version, as written in Spanish, follows.
Image: Argentinian Poet, Gabriel Impaglione
Gentlemen of Avaaz,
I firmly request that my email address be removed from your message-distribution lists, a request that I reiterate once again.
You circulate information that is slanted, manipulated by spurious interests; you convoke cunning and one-sided initiatives that represent the interests of the colonialist claw; you speak of peace, and when you speak of peace you speak of submitting to unipolar greed; when you speak of peace you speak of occupation and dependency; when you speak of peace you speak with the language of terrorism that is a scourge of the peoples and you pretend to impose “democratic” models that are nothing more than strategic-management schemes for subjection and for the avid desires of the imperial alliances.The violence in Syria will cease when the forces that act to destabilize that country are shipped back to their imperial bases. The horror that the Syrian people are living is the horror of the imperial intervention, of the select world of capital.
The self-determination of the peoples is the first concept that you violate with your campaigns cosmetically disguised with do-good pacifism.
Information in the service of the causes of greed is as aberrant as the seditious groups infiltrated into the societies that come under the stare of perversity.
The Syrian Spring burgeons in the work, education, culture, sovereignty, dignity, self-determination of the Syrian people, there is no Spring on the imperial geopolitical chessboards, it is impossible to design Springs in the halls of capital and the arms industry. That which you call the Syrian Spring is the Syrian Hell, and the interests that move those savage circles of sulfur and lucre color your communiqués and evidence the display of perversion and lies.
Will other peoples in the world remain on the list of your peace campaigns?
Will you, in your domesticating efforts, call for action on behalf of the peoples of Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, North Vietnam, North Korea, China…?
Will all of South America be added? Will you be told to do the same for Central America?
Will you ever allude in the slightest to the fifty-year-old blockade of Cuba that is maintained by your bosses from the North?
Do the Israeli, British, US bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, that tear life apart and yield excellent economic results for your bosses not enter into your campaigns for peace for the peoples?
The hypocrisy, the perversion, the media manipulation, at times bring directly to mind a last name that belongs to the worst of the human species: Goebbels. You follow that road of “lie, lie, for something will stick.”
The peoples of the world awaken, begin to understand the macabre game of the bosses. Peace is built on truth.
Maybe you would never understand that.
I wish you a refreshing bath of conscience, I wish that you may be able to try out looking at others eye to eye, I wish that the Spring of truth makes life more humane for you.
Gabriel Impaglione
Poet, Argentina
Gabriel Impaglione is a poet and journalist born in Moron, Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1958. He is now based in based in Sardinia, Italy, where he lives with his wife, the Italian writer Giovanna Mulas. For his full bio and to source his work please visit:
Gabriel Impaglione (Morón, Bs As, 1958), Argentine writer and journalist. He published: Echarle Pájaros the mundo (Panorama, Bs As, 1994); Breviary of cartography Magica (El Taller del Poeta, Galicia, 2002); Poemas Quietos (front Mizares Editorial, Barcelona, ??2002) Bagdad y otros Poemas (El Taller the Poet, Galicia, 2003); Letrario de Utopolis (Linajes, Mexico, 2004); Callejera Prensa (The Moon Que, Bs As, 2004), Song to a Prisionero (Editorial Poetas Antimperialistas, Ottawa, 2005); Alala-edition Spanish-(El Taller del Poeta, Galicia, 2005). Founder and Editor of Poetry & Literature Isla Negra.
Señores de Avaaz,
solicito con firmeza que mi mail sea retirado de vuestras listas de distribución de mensajes, solicitud que reitero una vez mas.
Ustedes hacen circular información parcializada, manoseada por intereses espúreos, convocan por iniciativas amañadas y tendenciosas que representan los intereses de la garra colonialista, hablan de paz y cuando hablan de paz hablan de sometimiento a la codicia unipolar, cuando hablan de paz hablan de ocupación y dependencia, cuando ustedes hablan de paz hablan con el idioma del terrorismo que azota a los pueblos y pretende imponer modelos “democráticos” que no son otra cosa que gerenciamientos estratégicos para el sometimiento y la avidez de las alianzas imperiales.
La violencia en Siria cesará cuando las fuerzas que actúan para la desestabilización de ese país se embarquen de regreso a sus bases imperiales. El horror que vive el pueblo sirio es el horror de la intervención imperial, del selecto mundo del capital.
La autodeterminación de los pueblos es el primer concepto que ustedes violentan con sus campañas maquilladas de buenismo pacifista.
La información al servicio de las causas de la codicia es tan aberrante como los grupos sediciosos infiltrados en las sociedades que caen bajo la mira de la perversidad.
La primavera Siria brota en el trabajo, en la educación, en la cultura, en la soberanía, en la dignidad, en la autodeterminación del pueblo sirio, no existe primavera en los tableros geopolíticos imperiales, es imposible diseñar primaveras en los salones del capital y la industria armamentista. Aquello que ustedes llaman primavera siria es infierno sirio y los intereses que mueven esos salvajes círculos del azufre y el lucro tiñen vuestros comunicados y evidencian el despliegue de la perversión y la mentira.
Otros pueblos del mundo seguirán en el listado de sus campañas de paz?
Convocarán en vuestra gesta domesticadora a la acción por los pueblos de Irán, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Vietnam del Norte, Corea del Norte, China….?
Se sumará Sudamérica entera? Les dictarán hacer lo propio por Centroamérica?
Jamás harán la mínima alusión al cincuentenario bloqueo a Cuba que mantienen sus patrones del norte?
Las bombas israelíes, inglesas, norteamericanas en Irak, Afganistán, Libia, que desgarran la vida y dejan excelentes resultados económicos a vuestros patrones no entran en sus campañas por la paz de los pueblos?
La hipocrecía, la perversión del manoseo informativo, a veces remiten directamente a un apellido que pertenece a lo peor de la especie humana: Goebbels. Ustedes van por ese camino de “miente, miente que algo queda”.
Los pueblos del mundo despiertan, comienzan a entender el macabro juego de los mandones. La paz se construye sobre la verdad.
Tal vez ustedes jamás lo entenderían.
Les deseo un reparador baño de conciencia, les deseo que puedan estrenar el ojo de frente al prójimo, les deseo que la primavera de la verdad les haga la vida más humana
gabriel impaglione
poeta, Argentina
Gabriel Impaglione (Morón, Bs As, 1958), Argentine writer and journalist. He published: Echarle Pájaros the mundo (Panorama, Bs As, 1994); Breviary of cartography Magica (El Taller del Poeta, Galicia, 2002); Poemas Quietos (front Mizares Editorial, Barcelona, ??2002) Bagdad y otros Poemas (El Taller the Poet, Galicia, 2003); Letrario de Utopolis (Linajes, Mexico, 2004); Callejera Prensa (The Moon Que, Bs As, 2004), Song to a Prisionero (Editorial Poetas Antimperialistas, Ottawa, 2005); Alala-edition Spanish-(El Taller del Poeta, Galicia, 2005). Founder and Editor of Poetry & Literature Isla Negra.