Jan 21
350.org / 1Sky, Forest Ethics, Foundations, Greenpeace, Non-Profit Industrial Complex
Dogwood ForestEthics Keystone XL North American Tar Sands Coalition Tar Sands Solutions Network Tides
A Sober Assessment on the Tar Sands Campaigns
January 8, 2013
by Macdonald Stainsby
In thinking about a new rant on the tar sands to begin 2014, thinking of trying to sum up the previous year seems nearly impossible. So that, really, is a summation. Let me explain.In previous eras of tar sands resistance we had a few flash points. This, of course, is in the time since it began to get attention beyond the families it ravaged through disease, or families it kept separate through cross-country employment. Since the call of climate change made attention to tar sands inevitable the “flag” of tar sands resistance has sprung up in such a varied, continent-wide and even international manner that even betrayals from Big Green would likely not do much more than wound resistance that has sprung up in locale after locale. →